Author Guidelines

Preparation of Manuscript - Authors are urged to have one or more colleagues, read the manuscript critically prior to submission. Submission implies non- submission elsewhere and if accepted, no future publication without the consent of the Editorial Board.

Please submit the original manuscript typed in Times new roman font with double spacing having page and continuous line numbering. A covering letter must be enclosed with the manuscript. The manuscript preparation should include title, abstract, 5-6 keywords,Introduction, material and methods, Results and discussions, conclusion and references. The tables, and figures should be self-explanatory. The Blinded manuscript should be submitted with a separate Title page consisting of Article Title,  author's name and affiliation and acknowledgement. Footnotes should be avoided. The minimum margins (2.54cm) should be left for Editorial marking. Tables and captions of figures should be separate. The good quality figures must be provided in jpeg/tiff format. A serial number assigned to each new manuscript accompanies its acknowledgement to the author who submitted it and the same should be referred in all the subsequent correspondences

Mode of submission - Authors should submit the review / research article / note along with prescribed "Article Certificate" and soft copy of it directly to the Journal with a copy of it to the Director of Research / Dean / Head of the Institution and, after its publication, a copy of reprint of the paper for his record.

Title - The title should be unique and concise description of the paper. It should not exceed 10 to 15 words. Names of the authors should be centered directly below the title. The name and location of the senior author/institution (The institution where most of the research work is conducted) is centered below the author's name. The designations and addresses of the author/s are footnoted.

Abstract - The abstract should be placed on the next line after articles title on page 1. It should be a concise summarisation of the findings and should include aim of the study, effects of major treatments and major conclusions. It should not exeed 300 words.

Key words - A list of additional Key words may be included below the abstract.

Headings - Centre and capitalize first letters of main headings of the paper i.e. Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods. Results and Discussion, Conclusions and References. Do not centre secondary headings. Place the secondary headings with the first letter of the word capitalized at the beginning of the paragraph.

Style - Manuscripts must conform to United Kingdom standards of English style and usage. The first-person pronoun is accepted and often preferred for clarity. Main clauses should usually be stated first. The introduction without a heading should state clearly why the research was conducted with reference to earlier work. Give enough information on methods to indicate how the research was conducted so that the reader will have confidence in the validity of the result. Omit details unless it is method paper. Present results succinctly with emphasis on main effects. Use tables and figures to illustrate the text, interprete the results in discussion. Brief conclusion can terminate the discussion. Complex conclusions should form a separate section.

The scientific names should be given in italics.

References - List citations alphabetically by names of authors and type them after the text. The form should be in the order of names of the authors, year, subject title, name of publication (in Roman), Vol. and inclusive page numbers.

Tables - Type tables in double-space on separate pages, each one referred to in the text and numbered with Arabic numerals (e.g. Table 1). The title of each table should identify its contents so that reference to the text is not necessary. Title and column heading should be brief. Unnecessary descriptive matter should be avoided. Column and row heading with footnotes should be self-explanatory. Capitalize only the first letter of the first word of each column and row heading. Use lower case letter from the end of alphabet (x,y,z) to identify tabular footnotes. Use lower case letters from the beginning of alphabet (a,b,c) or asterisks with explanatory footnotes at 5% level, capitals for significance at 1 % level.

Figure - Identify graphs, line drawings and photographs with consecutive Arabic numbers, as Fig. 1, Fig. 2. Place figures after tables. Photographs must be clear, glossy prints. Original graphs and drawings must be in Indian ink or equivalent on plain. White drawing paper. Letter in Indian ink with a lettering guide large and bold enough to permit reduction. Each figure should be referred to in the text. The title of paper and fig. number should be placed in pencil on the back of each fig. for identification.

Trade or Brand Names - Trade or brand names are not used in permanent literature. State trade or brand names only in parentheses. The active ingredient, chemical formula, purity and diluent or solvent may be stated in the text. Capitalize the first letter of trade or brand names.

Abbreviation - In both text and tables except for the first word in a sentence long words or terms used repeatedly should be abbreviated usually without a period (e.g. a.m. ppm. m. °C, N, P, K, K,SO,). Use standard abbreviations. Names of organic chemicals and other terms, abbreviated for the reader's convenience should be spelled out first with parenthetical abbreviation used.

Arabic Numericals - Use Arabic numericals in all cases except the beginning 01 sentence or where the use would be unclear.